or PatriotsFighting on

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Why have Patriots been fighting all along? Now, Canadian Patriots need to fight to make Canada great

The name itself suggests that it is a Blog for the Patriots Worldwide. Patriots have been fighting in almost all the countries of the world. Every country represents a Nation. Each Nation has its own characteristics, culture, values, ethnicity, language, religious beliefs, custom, civilization and history.  The National or Patriotic feeling or emotion cannot be mixed with any Global agenda. Patriots will defend their own country and its own characteristics including religion. Take for example the cases of Canada, Britain, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium & Spain.  Patriots in these countries are scared of and reacting to mass exodus/immigration of Muslims. Then, there have been Muslim refugees sheltered in those countries.  But what is horrifying is the strong demand of Muslims for their  Sharia law.  Sharia law is applicable to Muslims only and valid for Muslim countries. But going to or immigrating to or settling down in a non-Muslims country like the USA, Canada & European Union is a privilege but not a right.  Numerous friends of mine asked me this:  While Muslims or Muslim countries do not allow non-Muslims to worship in a Church or promote Christian belief, how come Muslims demand/ask for Sharia law, Polygamy, Halal meat, Islamic teachings etc in any non-Muslim countries.  There is a professional word:  Reciprocal or Reciprocation , I hope you all know the meaning. Does this word not apply to Muslims and Islamic countries? In a simpler sentence to tell the Muslims, what this word means: it is simple, Give and Take. I am not against Muslims or Islam but I believe in fair-dealing in every aspect of life.

Now, coming back to the  point of the Patriots, I will be logical to defend them. Why ? According the UN Charter of Rights, each country or Nation has the Right to protect its culture, custom, manners, language and religion. God created all human beings as different, and even Anthropologists agree to this. Naturally, God had created all languages and religions( via Prophets) in different parts of the world in different ways. Like one language cannot be mixed up with another language or be replaced by another language. Two languages maybe similar but are not the same/identical.  Similarly, two different religions cannot be compared or compromised, as they have different basis of concepts and practices. Look at this:  Judaism and Islam are the closest religions, their way of worshiping, names, Health habits/food( like Circumcision, not eating Pork),  way of writing( right to left) and believing in The Almighty Lord and so on, but they have been fighting with each other for the last 1200 years. In the same context, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism & Sikhism are way different from each other. Therefore, religious Globalism is a myth, so is the religious amity. This is a fact you have to admit that God wanted so many religions & languages on the Earth. It is mentioned in Old Testament.  So, each religious or language groups will maintain its own original stream. But, there should not be any domination or suppression. 

Our Patriots in Canada and UK are really scared that they will be outnumbered and over-run by the Muslims, in the near future.  Muslims do not adapt to Canadian or British way of life. Muslims always demand their way ,  "My Way or Highway". Here comes the role of our Patriots in these countries, which is to defend their original culture, religion and language.

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